Saturday, January 6, 2007

this is the perfect gift for a diva

everyone knows that nothing can last forver and i knew from the start this would be temporary.
just like everything else.
you're a world class liar but every test i've given you have failed.
try honesty next time and you could pass.
i already know the answer.
you "allude" to things like a sunrise "alludes" to a sunset.
if you've moved on then just say so.
not that i need you to because i already know.
and really, just- just whatever.
i never asked for much of anything.
you demanded more from me then you ever gave to me.
a little attention, a little more attention on the bad days.
just to make me feel special.
but i got nothing.
i got ignored when i needed you.
and naivity, you get what you give.

destined to be alone.

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